Friday, June 26, 2015

Random Thoughts

Heather here. As I write this, the two littles are sitting on the loveseat playing UNO. There is a lot of giggling and the volume button seems to be stuck on loud. I keep hearing myself shooshing, but why?  They can't even hear me.

My eyes survey  the living room and my sight is met by messes shemesses. The big girl comes out of her room, messy hair, looking a little like a lion. "I feel a lot better!" she exclaims. This is good news since she was very sick the day before.

Now they are holding the cat, Lucy, and singing Frozen songs over the cat....."Let her go, Let her go, can't hold her back anymore!" A chorus of giggles ends the song. The cat escapes to freedom..

The Big Boy....still sleeping, will soon need to be awakened. Fingers crossed that his teenage hormones will feel happy today.

Must take a quick break to refill the coffee mug with "Heaven's Goodness." Someone should name a coffee blend with that name. When God created the coffee bean, it was with moms in mind...He said, "This will be my hugs and kisses for moms all over the earth each morning!" Maybe we have made it all too complicated.....Really, coffee IS His mercies that are new every morning! You know, Solomon the Wise was sitting with his "Wake up and Getterdun" coffee mug, writing Lamentations, because he had not had a sip of "Heaven's Goodness" yet.

Little Boy comes in at full volume....."Are you on the Predators or the Peahawks?" "Peahawks, what is that?" I ask. "The Peahawks!" comes the determined response. I laugh.

It all unravels so quickly...Little Boy starts to whine, will crossed, attitude suffers, disrespectful words follow. The Dad overhears...."Little Boy, apologize." Little Boy throws himself to the floor...the apology is slow in coming. You can see the embarrassment on his face, the decision being made internally, whether he wanted to be right or to be humble.

"I'm sorry for being rude"...long pause..."Will you forgive me?"(prompted by The Dad). "Of course I will!" I respond.

This little scenario stirred the thoughts...when we wrong others by attitude or in we want to be right and embarrassed or do we want to be humble and forgiven? "Will you forgive me?" Those words are like a reset button that resets hearts, attitudes, even atmospheres!

Hugs, kisses...Little Boy goes on to win a round of UNO!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Toddler's Plea

When 8pm rolls around each night, I am inevitably exhausted and ready to tuck my babies in for the night.  Truth be told, I am drained by 6pm and those extra two hours can sometimes be challenging.  After prayers are said, I am met by the same request from my 3-year-old:  "Mommy, you read me story?"  And nearly every night, my response is, "No, baby, not tonight."  I mean, I have done my daily duty as a mom by reading to my kids all through the day, so he doesn't really need another story, does he?!  But why not?  Why not tonight?  What does it hurt to take an extra five minutes to tuck him in by snuggling and reading a cute story together?  I am tired and exhausted, but how much energy does it really take to take a moment to just be with my youngest child?

Psalm 127:3 says "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."  As hard as it is to admit, I had to stop thinking of my children like a chore and more like a blessing to be cherished.  There will come a day when he won't ask for snuggles and books, and that day will come all too soon.  I am in no rush for that day to come, even with all of the challenges of raising an active toddler.  My answers have turned into, "Of course, sweetie!  Pick a book for us to read."  This nightly reading time is about more than providing him with the advantages being read aloud to may give him.  It has become a special time of extra hugs and kisses to give him the attention this little man thrives on. It has allowed me to see his own passions develop, evident in the types of books he chooses to read with me.  It has opened up discussions about his day and his plans for what tomorrow may bring.    This special time together each night has helped our bond grow stronger and has helped me find extra joy in parenting toddlers.  Raising children can be challenging and wearying, but there are so many special moments in every day life to appreciate.  Find those moments, and life itself will feel more enjoyable.  Focus on the blessings children bring so when the tiring occasions arise, you will be able to react in love and peace, not frustration and agitation.  Say "yes" more to the little, inconsequential requests your babies have and watch their fascination and appreciation bloom in their sparkling eyes. I promise you won't regret the feeling that glimmer brings to your heart.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mason Jar Crayon Organization

     I have a confession...I am slightly obsessed with mason jars.  Really, I am obsessed with any type of glass jar.  I mostly use them in the kitchen for food storage, but they are just so darn cute that I had to find another way to utilize them in my house.  I am pleased to admit that I did not break our motto of "Use what you already have" in the making of this post ;)

     My lovely children use crayons on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis, and I am often asked, "Mom, where is my favorite red crayon?"  I didn't know it was possible to have a favorite red crayon, but according to Dancing Queen, it is quite possible to have not only a favorite red crayon, but a favorite green, blue, and yellow one, too.  Anyway, my go-to response was, "Um...I'm not sure...go look in the crayon tower."  Our crayon tower is our much-loved mishmash of crayons container.  But we somehow also have crayons stashed in other random spots all over the house.  With all that chaos, it is hard enough to find one red crayon, let alone a favored red one.

Mishmash pile

     I decided that the solution to (1) finding crayons and (2) using mason jars somewhere other than the kitchen would be to sort all of that mess by color.  You don't really need directions for this project, as I am sure you, my dear reader, can sort by color.  Basically, I took 9 mason jars and put one color in each jar.  I combined white and black in one jar, and I have one jar for pencils and pens (because another statement I hear often is "Mom, I can't find a pencil!!").  I then tied a matching ribbon to each jar, just for fun.  I am missing a ribbon for my orange jar, as I had no orange ribbon on hand.

So colorful!!
Now, if only I could figure out how to keep The Hulk from destroying my masterpiece...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Giant's Purpose

Dappled sunlight....flickers across the ground...breeze blowing...sweet scents of ocean mixed with wood...teases the senses. Ancient giants...leaves dancing in the breeze. Guardians of the Western coast. Like an army standing at their post. Gatekeepers to the East...keepers of secrets from ages past. Much has changed over the centuries they have guarded. Volumes of books could be written about the stories they could tell...if only they could talk.

Tall, stately, grand, these trees are world renown. Travelers come from around the globe to see their beauty and gaze up at their stature. When one falls, the earth trembles, far and wide, crashing, producing sounds like that of a train wrecking. Opportunity for sunlight to cast its warm glow comes through the space left open by the mighty fallen one.

My heart feels sad as I look at the one whose massive girth lies out in the distance. But as I walk around its' length, I realize that even in death, there is life. The hole left from the massive trunk and roots becomes shelter for small animals, and also provides an excellent photo opportunity for the tourist. Sunlight rushes in, causing smaller ones that once had the privilege to grow in the shadows of the fallen giant space to grow slowly over time to the same stature. On the top, running the length, is new growth. As I look, I realize eventually, ever so long from now, that tree will become part of the forest floor. Life will have long been established from all of the nutrients even in death the fallen one offers.

In my random thoughts, as silly as it may seem, I have caught a glimpse of a truth in the body of Christ. There are spiritual giants, guardians of our hearts, gatekeepers, tall, stately, and grand in the spirit. There are those who grow up under their covering, in their shadow...protected...kept. But even in death, if a true giant, there is life. The roots, things they established, give safety and shelter. New life and growth are established on top of what they were and their strength eventually becomes the floor and the nutrients necessary for the next generation. Continuing the heritage of tall, stately, grand. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Creating a Read Aloud Household

     I can vividly remember my favorite childhood summer as if it were yesterday.  My little brother and I spent the whole summer with my grandparents in Maryland.  Days were filled with playtime with cousins, exploring the the woods, jumping on the trampoline, and swimming in the community pool.  Nights were occupied by swim meets and milk alongside Oreo cookies.  However, the most precious memory I have is snuggling up with my grandma on the couch while she read Roald Dahl's The BFG and James and the Giant Peach.
     Now that I have my own children, reading aloud is something we strive to do daily.  Even if we didn't homeschool, we would still read together every day.  Here are some tips to get started reading aloud:

  • Start small.  Pick a fun book you think you and the kids will enjoy.  Start with just reading for 5 minutes.  Increase time as your kids either start asking for more or are willing to sit for longer periods of time.  
  • Break out coloring books (or other quiet activities like legos, play dough, etc.).  Keeping little hands busy is perfectly fine!  They will still be listening to you.  
  • Pick a time that works for your family.  For us, it is right before bedtime.  On days I know we will be out of the house later than normal, we will read right after lunch.  We aim for 30 minutes of read aloud time, but on busy days, we are happy with just 5 minutes.  
  • Use audiobooks in the car.  Libraries will often have quality audiobooks you can check out.  
  • Be excited about reading to your kids!  They will pick up on your excitement and want to hear you read aloud, too.  
  • Get kids involved by letting them pick the book you will read.  I create a box of read alouds I want to read, and let them choose from them.  
  • Start young if you can, but don't be afraid to start if your kids are older.  They will still benefit from being read aloud to.  
Need help getting started with a booklist?  I have booklists by age that we read for literature in school, but these are also just amazing books to read aloud as a family.  The grades don't really matter, as most can be read at any age.  These lists are also in no way all-encompassing.  There are many options for excellent children's literature...these just happen to be some of our favorites.  I will also include a link to Pinterest with some booklists I have found on other boards:)

Ages 2-3
Ages 4-5
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade

Booklists from Pinterest

We would love to hear what your favorite books are!!  I am ALWAYS looking for something great to read.  

Monday, June 15, 2015

To Honor....'Tis so Sweet

There is something so sweet about friends and family gathered around the a well set table. As if the table is dressed in its Sunday best just for the sheer pleasure. Delicate dishes, lace, candles, silver, napkins, crystal and delicious food. But friends and family gathered around a table set with paper plates, plastic utensils and foam cups holds its own graciousness as well. Memories are made around a table, whether its a Happy Birthday, We will miss you, Congratulations, Holiday or everyday dinner.

One of my favorite dinners was set with paper plates after a very long day. The meal consisted of  hot dogs, baked beans and fresh cut veggies. The laughter around the table will forever be etched in my memory. Big Boy, in rare comedic form, had the whole family roaring with laughter.

Our home seems to be the hosting place, whether it's a picnic, birthday or an out of town guest,  and it is more frequent than not to have the minimum of thirteen for dinner. We love every minute of it! What better way to express love to others than through good food and lovely conversation.

Recently, I had the privilege of hosting a birthday dinner for one of my favorite individuals! Can I say, I felt nothing but sheer joy as I planned, cleaned, prepared and cooked. But setting the table....that is my favorite part of hosting any kind of meal or party. BLISS...that is the only word that comes to mind. As a little girl, my mom had a set of Blue Willow dishes that belonged to my dad's mom. I remember asking if I could have them when I got married. I would have tea parties and dress up...there are a lot of happy memories attached to those dishes. A birthday party for one of my favorites, with my favorite dishes, seemed like the perfect idea.

Having the privilege to honor someone I love is a passion of mine. Actually, just honoring others is one of the most fun ways I can think of to spend my time.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

It happens all to soon.....that repulsive noise...Time to wake up. I roll over and hit the snooze, again and again. Just a few more minutes wrapped in sleeps warm embrace. Oh, but then I remember. There is no time to dilly dally this morning. I drag out of bed, look in the mirror to see if my hair might be in good enough condition, dress myself, pour a cup of "Heaven's Goodness" and dash out the door.

The traffic is heavy. It's a good thing I am going the opposite direction. Gratitude washes over me as I think about the privilege of working from home...little fingers on the keys...rather than long commutes and traffic.

The pickup is loud as I roll into my parking space. Walking to the building, my eyes well with tears. This will be my last year to walk into this building. Time did we get here so soon? These thoughts pass through the doors of my mind as I press the buzzer. I walk down the long hallway filled with fun art and proudly displayed creative writings.

She sits on her stool, activity around her as a couple of classroom helpers pack up for the summer. She says good morning. Motions to the stool next to her. Here is the end...teacher by my side...explaining the accomplishments of Little Boy. Reading skills, check. Math skills, check. Writing skills, well lets say maybe a half check. Summer work, keep progressing, new grade standards, delightful boy to teach.

Tears stream down my cheeks, the trucks loudness drowns out the morning traffic.

Like the repulsive noise of the alarm, I am wide awake! Where did the time go? What seemed like endless nursing, poopy diapers, muddy feet, feverish bodies, blankies, cuddles, hugs, kisses, more hugs, more kisses and I love you to the moon and backs. I look and see there is no time to dilly dally. There is no more time to be wrapped on grief's embrace. Time refuses to stand still. I am faced with the choice to miss out or be fully awake and fully alive!

The Icky Sticky Frog, The Story of Jonah and the Whale, Moostle Toe, these are the staples of Little Boy's favorites. Hugs, kisses and alarm clocks, these are the staples of The Mom's favorites. I am fully awake!